State Fair Vegan Crab Cakes
This recipe is easy to assemble and can be used as an appetizer, side dish or as an entree. Make a big batch and freeze the rest.
Servings Prep Time
4 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Add the beans and artichokes to a bowl and use the back of a fork to shred everything up. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl wisk the reserved garbanzo bean liquid until frothy. Add the mayo, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, mustard and all the dry ingredients. Wisk well.
  3. Then add the breadcrumbs, green onions, and hearts of palm and bean mixture. Fold to combine. Place in the freezer for atleast 20 minutes to help the mixture set.
  4. Place breadcrumbs on a plate to coat patties. Put enough of the mixture on your palm depending on the size your making and roll into a ball. Gently pat it into a patty shape. Coat the patty with the breadcrumbs on each side and place in the basket of the air fryer.
  5. Set the air fryer on 390 and cook 10 minutes, flip each patty over after 5 minutes. Serve hot with a sauce of your choice.
Recipe Notes